Sunday, October 22, 2017

Almost There

The parental house has sold. The closing date is a couple of weeks off, and barring the unforeseen, this chapter will close.
As those of you who have been through this process and/or follow me know, it's been a very intense 6 months.
So much of Mom and Dad's accumulated stuff was either donated or thrown away, the temptation of taking the easy way and keeping all of the special things was strong, but had to be overcome.  I still have way too much of it, things like boxes and boxes of photo's I have to go through, sigh.
At lest now I'm not spending all of my free time at the house, and I'm not in a high state of emotional turmoil trying to decide what to do with all of this, I have been able to get back into the studio, just in time too, as I was going to have to pass up another show. That would have made too many passed by this year.

Working Title: Where The Road Dips, 12x36, Glazed Acyclic.

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