Monday, August 27, 2012

learning curve,

The learning curve better start going up soon. I'm still exploring different avenues, I've done half a dozen small paintings this week, none of which are show and tell worthy. I'm focusing on allowing myself the freedom to experiment and just have fun, a necessary part of artistic growth and development.
Maintaining focus after the week we've had is a bit difficult.
My father's 93 year old sister passed away. He's having some difficulty with that, as you can well imagine. He's the last of the siblings and I get the sense that there is some survivor guilt involved as well as simple grief. Not that grief is simple. If anything, it's the most complex emotion I've ever experienced. Some holes don't 'fill in'. You learn to live with them, but they're always there, catching you at unexpected moments.
On the same day that Aunt Win passed, but before I heard of it, my hubby decided he couldn't put off telling me that he is being retired on the 31st any longer. He's known for a few weeks, but didn't want me to worry.
ARGH, men!
As the 'organized one' I have a whole lot of paperwork etc to attend to, and only a week to get it done so our plan can swing into place. ARGH!
We knew it would happen eventually, but had hoped his job would last a little longer. At lest we got the roof done, the trailer bought, and a few other things taken care of, I had hoped to replace the flooring before he retired though. Oh well, things have a way of working out exactly the way they are supposed to.
Including artistic change, which is my cue to get back to work...

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